Rethinking health.

Enhancing hormonal health through metabolic optimisation.

Let’s rethink health systemically.

Life is all about how we use energy. We focus on the root cause not the symptoms.

About me

Hello, I have been interested in health from being very young, inspired by my mother who was always open to alternative healthcare, such as herbs and vitamins to maintain or address health. I became focussed on hormones and integrated holistic wellbeing back in 2019 when I began suffering from my own hormonal challenges, especially severe PMS, or PMDD as it is now called. This led to a realisation that the body must be treated as a system and rather than treating specific symptoms, everything is connected. We therefore need to address the underlying causes of conditions rather than putting sticking plasters over symptoms.

I’ve had a chequered reproductive history which finally started to make sense as my research directed me to the problem of oestrogen dominance/progesterone deficiency alongside how that effects the rest of female physiology. I’ve always been a critical thinker and have never just accepted protocols aimed at placing a sticking over my health conditions wanting to know the whys of how this was happening. With PMDD in mind I set up a Facebook group to help women make sense of this condition and other perimenopausal symptoms.

During this time I’ve found reading the work of scientists like Ray Peat, Katherina Dalton, Jerrilyn Prior, Broda Barnes, John Lee and Mark Star to be hugely influential to building my knowledge. I now find myself hugely passionate about coaching and advocating for women in all hormonal walks of life to get the best out of their health.

In love, health and happiness.
